Confusion mars Idul Adha mass prayer
Mass prayers for Idul Adha in Tangerang, Banten, turned into chaos on Wednesday morning when residents discovered that some mosques were closed after other Muslims held prayers on Tuesday.
One mosque in the Nusa Loka housing complex was empty on Wednesday morning, forcing residents to find nearby mosques.
The enuing scramble led to late arrivals for prayers at the Asy Syarif Al Azhar Mosque in the Giri Loka housing complex.
One resident, Lendi, said he learned that the mosque near his house held prayers on Tuesday, forcing him and his wife to travel three kilometers to Asy Syarif Al Azhar mosque.
They arrived on time.
In his sermon at the mosque, Imam Syamsul Arifin Nababan expressed concern that many Muslims had performed prayers on different days.
"It happened because we suffer from an apparent lack of leadership," Syamsul said.
"We need influential Muslim leaders who are able to unite Muslims to perform prayers on one single day."
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